From mind stimulating to complete relaxation, these are five things I actually do when I'm alone and bored. Not a thousand million different things you'll never actually do.
5. Learn Something New
This one is easy for me to turn to when I am bored since I am in college. I am learning something new every day. Sometimes it is learning something new about a friend or finally grasping a tricky concept. Learn a new word in a new language or existing one. Listening to podcasts can teach you a few different things. People you look up to have a lot to say, listen.
4. Tik Tok/Make a Video!
A little effort goes a long way when capturing a moment on camera. Clean up your space and add a personal touch with decorations. Check on lighting, maybe add candles and turn on all the lights! We want to see your beautiful face. Engage with yourself and whoever else is partaking at this moment with you. Smile, use your hands and be confident. The audience sees someone willing to be vulnerable. It is brave, so be proud of creating a moment.
3. Positive Tasks for Yourself
Self-Care! Do a face mask. Take a bath or a steamy shower. Cut and paint your fingernails and toenails. Exfoliate the dead skin off of your body and shave. It feels good to prioritize yourself and your hygiene. It is one thing that you can control about yourself.
Detox from the Digital World! Go on a walk! Reading a book is a good escape for your mind other than scrolling through social media. Taking a break from the virtual world brings you back to reality and goals for your life.
Clean and Purge! Make your space ideal for you. Organize the drawer you've been putting off. Clean out your closet! Donate lightly used clothes that are unworn: deep clean your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room. Dust your windows, glass, and vents. Throw out expired food that you ignore.
Be Healthy! Go to the grocery store and cook dinner. Meal prep for the following week to have consistent meals and calories. Don't drink or smoke for a day or week. Drink at least two glasses a day.
Energize! Exercise for thirty minutes. Get fresh air. Go somewhere new to explore! Call up a friend you haven't reached out to in a while, or call your mom or dad.
2. Write
There is a lot of intrinsic and extrinsic value in journaling or blogging. You have a creative outlet to write your thoughts and express your emotions to self-reflect and show your path. You can keep this private or share it through social media or simply showing someone in person.
Writing a sentence a day is good practice. I know it is hard to write. The key is to put words down on paper. The edits and finishing touches create the magic. Let the story tell itself. Skip from section to section. The beauty of being the author has control. The characters don't know where they are going. They don't understand the implications that foreshadow their story until it is finished with The End.
1. Art
Art is my favorite pastime. It can be any of the above, if I'm being honest. However, I gave it its category number one because creating doesn't have to be complicated. If none of the above interests you, there are many other art forms. DIY!
Find the inspiration from where your interests take you. Life is art; therefore, whatever you create in this world is art. Just play.
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